Sunday, 2 May 2010

Our street on a BBC History Series!

This morning when I went to collect the post there was a note from Century films explaining that our street would be featured in their new series 'Our Secret Streets'!!

120 years ago Charles Booth, a social researcher, recorded the social condition of every one of London's 4 million inhabitants. He carried out research by visiting every single street in London, which took him 17 years. His work was published in a 17 volume study called 'The Life and Labour of the People in London'. The BBC is reproducing this study focusing on six streets and their residents.

How cool is that?!!

For more, check out:

The photo is a small map from 1910 that I purchased at an antique maps shop on Portabello Road as a moving gift to ourselves when we closed on the property. Our terrace house is on the west side of the street at the 'E' in 'GROVE' of Camberwell Grove.

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