Sunday 8 January 2012

Successful Poached Eggs at last!

Im so excited as today I finally successfully made poached eggs for breakfast! I have, over the years, tried and failed using the following techniques:
  1. Drop egg into a vortex of boiling water (the white just separated and made a mess in the saucepan)
  2. Add oil (or vinegar) to boiling water before dropping in egg (The white separated and egg tasted pickled!)
  3. Steam the egg in a non-stick egg cup in a pan of shallow boiling water (The egg stuck to the dish even with the addition of oil, and butter to grease the sides
  4. Microwaving the egg in a non-stick microwaveable egg cup (The egg just over cooked and looked like something processed and from McDonalds)
  5. Drop egg onto a sheet of cling-film, twist at the top, and drop into a saucepan of boiling water. (This was the most successful in terms of having a soft middle and not loosing most of the whites, but it looked like a crinkly old shopping bag so lost points on appearance)
The successful method was so simple I even got it gooey in the middle on my first attempt.
  1. VERY gently drop egg into a barely boiling saucepan of water (if its boiling too much the bubbles will break up the white)
  2. Leave for 4 minutes without stirring. Gently nudge the yolk to make sure its not stuck on the bottom
  3. Remove with a slotted spoon and serve (letting stand for 30 seconds)
(Photos taken with the Hipstamatic app on my iphone)

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