Friday, 19 October 2012

New capping stones

Here is a before and after photo of the parapet capping stones. The old ones were cracked and split, and didnt project far enough over the brick wall below (which is now bowed and curved because of subsidence years ago), thereby exposing it more to dripping water. Additionally the lead flashing wasnt properly tucked in beneath the capping stones so water could just slide in. Over time these issues lead to the water penetration into my flat along the side wall.

Torn lead in the box gutter and an improperly connected downpipe from the gutter lead to further leaks above the living room window after the timber lintle rotted and sagged, while missing mortar between the bricks lead to the last set of leaks above the kitchen window. The scaffold has finally come down, and I've stayed nice and dry throughout the autumn rains. Phew!

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